Los colores en estos bowls...
Colors on these bowls...
Esta camiseta. Me duraría poco porque me la pondría mucho.
This tee. It wouldn't last much, because I would be wearing it a lot.
Esta foto. ¿Qué creéis que miran?
This photo. What you think they're looking at?
Este maki... que no es sushi sino un bizcochito!!
This maki... which is not a sushi piece but a little cake!
Estas brochas para colgar abrigos...
These paintbrushes hooks...
Este truco de magiallaje...
This beautician magician tip...
Y esta peli genial, que hoy me viene a la cabeza, como cada semana una o dos veces, y me encantaría volver a ver.
And this great movie, which is coming to my mind today, as it always does once or twice a week, and I'd love to watch again.
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