Mientras nuestros bebés son bebés casi todo es más fácil con ellos. En ese momento no nos lo parece (si se trata del primer hijo), pero se debe a la inexperiencia, la nuestra, a las mil preguntas que tenemos en nuestra cabeza y al temor a hacer algo mal. Lo cierto es que cuando crecen y empiezan a caminar, a cogerlo todo, a intentar hablar, etc, etc, y un largo etc, tenemos muchas más cosas en las que pensar y que decidir. Y también tenemos que correr detrás de ellos/as, lo que lo convierte en el momento en que puedes dejar de pagar el gimnasio, porque ya llevas la rutina de ejercicios incorporada.
El cambio más notable para mi fue cuando Teo dejó el pecho -porque lo dejó él solito :( a los 10 meses- y empezó con el biberón, la fruta, la verdura y todo lo que viene detrás. Si das el pecho, está claro que cuando llega este momento la comodidad disminuye, porque de llevar su alimento incorporado listo en cualquier momento o lugar, pasas a tener en cuenta una lista nada despreciable de preparativos.
Pero a la hora de comer, una vez más, son muy diferentes las opiniones y consejos que nos llegan a las mamás: "empieza primero dándole fruta; no, mejor primero la verdura; dale ternera, tiene hierro; no hace falta, si queréis puede ser ovolácteo-vegetariano y no tendrá carencia alguna; ¿cómo no le vas a dar carne al niño?; las doce del mediodía es la mejor hora para su almuerzo; por la noche, cena, baño y a dormir; no, mejor, baño, cena y dormir" y así muchos más desde el pediatra, amigos, familiares, guardería, homeópata...
Entonces, ¿qué es lo correcto?
Llegué a la conclusión hace tiempo de que lo correcto es lo que le funcione bien al bebé y a los padres, y que no hay ninguna guía que sea la acertada para todos los casos. Sí que cuanto más adaptado está el bebé al ritmo y las comidas de los padres, más fácil puede resultar, aunque los padres también deben adaptarse, sobre todo a los horarios. Actualmente, Teo y yo desayunamos, comemos y merendamos a la misma hora, y desde ayer, también hemos empezado a comer exactamente lo mismo. Teo ya tiene quince meses, casi dieciséis, le gusta toda la comida, lo prueba todo y cuando se trata de ingredientes de nuevos, se pone tan contento que hasta baila en su silla. Este domingo pasado fuimos él y yo a comprar churros para desayunar. En la misma churrería, la señora que atendía el mostrador me preguntó si podía darle uno, si los comía concretamente. Respondí que nunca los había probado antes, pero que si pudiera probaría hasta las piedras. Al dárselo (foto arriba), enseguida lo mordió, puso su cara de asco habitual (lo hace siempre que prueba algo nuevo), masticó, bailó un poquito, me miró con una sonrisa y de nuevo a por el churro. Durante el desayuno, ya en casa, pedía más a cada momento. La verdad es que no me parecía bien del todo que tomara fritos y menos tan temprano. Pero pensé que por una vez no pasaría nada que comiera uno o dos, y que disfrutara. Así lo hice y lejos de lo que yo pensaba que podía pasar, no le sentaron mal en absoluto, no le cayeron pesados! Tiene un estómago a prueba de bombas.
Llegué a la conclusión hace tiempo de que lo correcto es lo que le funcione bien al bebé y a los padres, y que no hay ninguna guía que sea la acertada para todos los casos. Sí que cuanto más adaptado está el bebé al ritmo y las comidas de los padres, más fácil puede resultar, aunque los padres también deben adaptarse, sobre todo a los horarios. Actualmente, Teo y yo desayunamos, comemos y merendamos a la misma hora, y desde ayer, también hemos empezado a comer exactamente lo mismo. Teo ya tiene quince meses, casi dieciséis, le gusta toda la comida, lo prueba todo y cuando se trata de ingredientes de nuevos, se pone tan contento que hasta baila en su silla. Este domingo pasado fuimos él y yo a comprar churros para desayunar. En la misma churrería, la señora que atendía el mostrador me preguntó si podía darle uno, si los comía concretamente. Respondí que nunca los había probado antes, pero que si pudiera probaría hasta las piedras. Al dárselo (foto arriba), enseguida lo mordió, puso su cara de asco habitual (lo hace siempre que prueba algo nuevo), masticó, bailó un poquito, me miró con una sonrisa y de nuevo a por el churro. Durante el desayuno, ya en casa, pedía más a cada momento. La verdad es que no me parecía bien del todo que tomara fritos y menos tan temprano. Pero pensé que por una vez no pasaría nada que comiera uno o dos, y que disfrutara. Así lo hice y lejos de lo que yo pensaba que podía pasar, no le sentaron mal en absoluto, no le cayeron pesados! Tiene un estómago a prueba de bombas.
Tras esto y ver que está bastante aburrido de comer puré (también come otras cosas, pero el puré le aburre de verdad ya), decidí que comería cada día lo mismo que yo. Me parece que si puede con unos churros, puede con todo ya. Ayer empezamos la nueva dieta, croquetas de berenjena y ensalada de patata. Estaba contentísimo y al dormirlo para su siesta, no tuve que hacer ningún segundo intento.
Si vuestro hijo ya está en edad de comer algo más que puré y leche, ¿seguís una dieta especial para él o come lo mismo que vosotros en casa? ¿Creéis que son tan delicados como dicen y debemos tener tanto cuidado con lo que les damos a probar (siempre que sea sano, claro)? Yo he sido una de esas prudentes, prudentes, prudentes, tal vez demasiado. Pero hay gente que es todo lo contrario. Una vez vi un vídeo de una niña de seis meses comiendo un muslo de pollo. No se si lo he comentado aquí en el blog, pero si no me creéis, mirad. ¿Quién hace bien y quién no?
While our babies are still babies, almost anything is easier. At this time we don't think so (if this is the first child), but it's due to inexperience, our own, a thousand questions that we have in our head and the fear of doing something wrong. The truth is that when they grow up and begin to walk, to take all things they can, to try talking, etc, etc, and etc, we have many more things to think about and decide. And we also have to run after them, what it makes the perfect moment for you to stop paying the gym, because you are already carrying your workout with you.
The most noticeable change to me was when Teo quit breastfeeding -he did it by himself :( when 10 month-old- and began with the bottle, fruits, vegetables and all that comes after. If you breastfeed your baby, it is clear that when this moment arrives comfort decreases because from carry their food on your own body, ready at any time or place, you go for considering a significant list of preparations.
But at lunchtime, once again, there are very different opinions and advices we moms get: "start feeding him with fruit first- No, vegetables better first- Give beef, very rich on iron- No need, if you want hin to be a vegetarian as well, it's perfectly ok, and will not have any lack- How is that the child is not going to eat meat?- Noon is the best time for lunch- At night, dinner, bath and going to sleep- No, it's better, bathtime, dinner and sleep", and so many more from the doctor at pediatrics, friends, relatives, kinder garden people, homeopath...
So what is right? I concluded long ago that the right thing is what works for baby and parents, and that there's no right guide for all cases. Well, the more the baby is adapted to parent's schedule and kind of foods, the easier it may be, but parents also need to adapt, especially to schedules. Currently, Teo and I have breakfast and lunch at the same time, and since yesterday, we have also started eating the same things. Teo is fifteen months-old, almost sixteen, he likes all food, and tries everything. Even, when it comes to new ingredients, he gets so happy he dances in his highchair. This past Sunday he and I went to buy 'churros' for breakfast. At the churros shop, the woman who was serving asked if she could give him one, specifically if he ate. I answered he had never tried before, but that if he could he would try to taste even the stones. So he tried (pictured above), made his usual 'eeeww face' (whenever he tries something new), chewed, danced a little, smiled at me and back to the churro. At breakfast, once at home, was asking for more the whole time. The truth is that I was not totally sure about him eating those fried things and so early. But for once, thought nothing would happen so I let him enjoy. And far from what I thought could happen, he didn't feel bad at all! He has a bombproof stomach.
After this and watching since recently he's getting pretty bored of eating baby food (of course he also eats other things, but he's really bored of baby food), I decided he would eat every day just like me. I thought if he can handle with some churros, does he with everything else already, right? Yesterday we started the new diet, eggplant croquettes and potato salad. He was thrilled, and make him fall asleep for napping... well, I didn't have to do any second attempt.
If your child is old enough to eat more than baby food and milk, do you follow a special diet for him or just what you all eat at home? Do you think they are as delicate as they say and we must be as careful with what we give them to try (if it is healthy, of course)? I have been one of those super cautious, perhaps too much. But some people are just the opposite. I once saw a video of a six-month-old little girl, eating a chicken leg. Don't remember if I talk about it before here on the blog, but if you don't believe me, watch here. Who's right and who's not?
The most noticeable change to me was when Teo quit breastfeeding -he did it by himself :( when 10 month-old- and began with the bottle, fruits, vegetables and all that comes after. If you breastfeed your baby, it is clear that when this moment arrives comfort decreases because from carry their food on your own body, ready at any time or place, you go for considering a significant list of preparations.
But at lunchtime, once again, there are very different opinions and advices we moms get: "start feeding him with fruit first- No, vegetables better first- Give beef, very rich on iron- No need, if you want hin to be a vegetarian as well, it's perfectly ok, and will not have any lack- How is that the child is not going to eat meat?- Noon is the best time for lunch- At night, dinner, bath and going to sleep- No, it's better, bathtime, dinner and sleep", and so many more from the doctor at pediatrics, friends, relatives, kinder garden people, homeopath...
So what is right? I concluded long ago that the right thing is what works for baby and parents, and that there's no right guide for all cases. Well, the more the baby is adapted to parent's schedule and kind of foods, the easier it may be, but parents also need to adapt, especially to schedules. Currently, Teo and I have breakfast and lunch at the same time, and since yesterday, we have also started eating the same things. Teo is fifteen months-old, almost sixteen, he likes all food, and tries everything. Even, when it comes to new ingredients, he gets so happy he dances in his highchair. This past Sunday he and I went to buy 'churros' for breakfast. At the churros shop, the woman who was serving asked if she could give him one, specifically if he ate. I answered he had never tried before, but that if he could he would try to taste even the stones. So he tried (pictured above), made his usual 'eeeww face' (whenever he tries something new), chewed, danced a little, smiled at me and back to the churro. At breakfast, once at home, was asking for more the whole time. The truth is that I was not totally sure about him eating those fried things and so early. But for once, thought nothing would happen so I let him enjoy. And far from what I thought could happen, he didn't feel bad at all! He has a bombproof stomach.
After this and watching since recently he's getting pretty bored of eating baby food (of course he also eats other things, but he's really bored of baby food), I decided he would eat every day just like me. I thought if he can handle with some churros, does he with everything else already, right? Yesterday we started the new diet, eggplant croquettes and potato salad. He was thrilled, and make him fall asleep for napping... well, I didn't have to do any second attempt.
If your child is old enough to eat more than baby food and milk, do you follow a special diet for him or just what you all eat at home? Do you think they are as delicate as they say and we must be as careful with what we give them to try (if it is healthy, of course)? I have been one of those super cautious, perhaps too much. But some people are just the opposite. I once saw a video of a six-month-old little girl, eating a chicken leg. Don't remember if I talk about it before here on the blog, but if you don't believe me, watch here. Who's right and who's not?
Ese video es de lo más alucinante que he visto en niños en mi vida!!! :O