4 de mayo de 2012

The beauty in things: extreme simplicity on a recipe/ sencillez extrema en una receta

Me he enamorado de esta receta improvisada. La blogger de Pimienta Rosa, un maravilloso blog culinario español que os recomiendo que miréis con atención, no sabía qué hacer para merendar, y para colmo tenía la nevera y la despensa casi vacías. Pero la imaginación es el arma más poderosa! Así que con unas zanahorias, unas gotas de chocolate, unos corn flakes olvidados en casa por su madre, miel y un puñado de nueces, improvisó unos bocaditos deliciosos! Mirad:

Os dejo la receta aquí para que podáis seguirla y merendar unos montoncillos caseros así de ricos y sanos, o inspiraros para hacer vuestros propios bocaditos!

Que aproveche, y que tengáis un buen fin de semana!

I fell in love with this recipe improvised. The blogger at Pimienta Rosa (translated as Pink Pepper), a wonderful Spanish blog that I highly recommend you check it out, didn't know what to do for tea, and plus she had an almost empty fridge and pantry. But imagination is the most powerful weapon! So with some carrots, a few drops of chocolate, some corn flakes forgotten at home by her mother, honey and a handful of nuts, improvised some delicious snacks! Look photos above.

Here's the recipe so that you can eat homemade healthy little mounds, or get inspired to make your own snacks!


1 handful of cornflakes

1 handful of chopped walnuts

2 carrots, grated

3 tablespoons honey

1 handful of chocolate chips


Grate the carrots and melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in microwave a few seconds. Mix all ingredients except chocolate, make little mountains with the mixture, placing them on a lightly greased baking paper, so we can take them off later. Pour over chocolate and let cool. You can do the reverse, first putting the chocolate and then the mix on top, so you can flatten the mound better and get a good latch all over with chocolate.

ENJOY and have a great weekend!

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