El fin de semana lo pasé un poco mal.
Últimamente he estado sintiéndome bastante agotada, cansada, y algunos días me han parecido interminables. Desde hace ya tiempo intento que las cosas no tan buenas que pasan a mi alrededor no me afecten, y así sentirme tranquila y poder lucir una sonrisa sincera la mayor parte del tiempo. Es por esto que no leo periódicos, ni veo noticias en la televisión, ni oigo la radio. El panorama que muestran estos medios resulta desalentador y creo que no lleva a nada bueno estar enterado de lo "mal que está todo". Yo no creo que todo esté mal, sino que muchos están mal, y mientras estos sigan alimentando con ira y decepción al resto, y los medios les ayuden a hacerlo, es difícil que las cosas mejoren. Creo que todos tenemos dentro la capacidad de ser mejores y la fortaleza para conseguirlo, y si en vez de bajar la cabeza ante el escaparate que nos muestran, miráramos hacia otro lado, hacia donde los árboles siguen siendo verdes, el sol sigue brillando y nuestros hijos siguen creciendo y sonriendo por todo, sería más sencillo tirar de esa fortaleza que hablo y hacer de ese todo algo increíblemente bueno. A mi, Teo me hace esa tarea sencillísima, es mirarlo, o pensar en él, o escribir sobre él como estoy haciendo ahora y sonrío sin poder remediarlo. Es tan puro, está tan lleno de amor y lo único que quiere es que lo queramos. Qué poco pide y cuánto da.
La tarea de ser mamá veinticuatro horas al día es una aventura asombrosa. Como ya os he contado en otros posts, pasas por muchas fases, aprendizaje y vaivenes emocionales, pero el trasfondo, y que siempre está ahí sin desaparecer ni un solo día, es el inmenso amor por tu hijo, que te da fuerzas para hacer lo que haga falta. También es innegable que es una tarea agotadora, sobre todo si no tienes algo de ayuda relativamente cerca, abuelas, tíos o amigos que te echen un cable de vez en cuando, o faciliten que puedas ir un día a la peluquería o a cenar con tu pareja. Nosotros vivimos lejos de nuestras familias, así que no hay paréntesis (en plural). Y bueno, mi agotamiento de algunos días pues no tiene más secreto que esto que os cuento. Pero la fuerza de una mami de verdad que es inagotable, y nunca he dejado de hacer nada de lo que Teo necesita porque si dejara de hacerlo, sería yo la que se moriría de decepción.
El viernes Juan tenía planeado marcharse el fin de semana fuera, a 400 km de aquí, y correr una media maratón el domingo. Estoy acostumbrada a que no esté durante algunos días seguidos, por trabajo hay épocas en que viaja bastante, y justo cuando nació Teo fue una de ellas, con viaje a China incluido, así que terapia de choque al "ay, que se va una semana, el niño tan pequeño, y sabré hacerlo yo sola?", y perdí el miedo muy pronto. Sin embargo, como os decía, la semana pasada me encontraba realmente cansada (seguramente lo percibisteis aquí en el blog, pues fue lo que tuve que tachar de la lista para bajar el ritmo, y no posteé lo que quería). Así que Juan me propuso llevarse al peque con él los dos días para que yo pudiera dormir y recuperarme un poco. Al principio, ni consideré la idea, porque el plan que Juan tenía para esos dos días me parecía bastante agotador (varios desplazamientos, en tren, en coche, dormir en dos sitios distintos las dos noches, etc). Pero finalmente, tras una charla entre ambos, consideramos que era lo mejor, además de ser un oportunidad para ellos dos de estar solos más de unas cuantas horas, cosa que hasta ahora nunca había ocurrido.
Llegó el viernes. Desde que me levanté a primera hora de la mañana, me encontraba mal, muy mal. Tenía dolor de barriga, náuseas, dolor de cabeza a ratos... y una especie de angustia interior. No me permitía pensar en que Teo se iba y nos íbamos a separar por primera vez en un año, porque si me dejaba pensarlo, me ponía realmente triste. Con bastante seguridad, aquellos que no tengan hijos, no entenderán de qué estoy hablando, y les pueda parecer que reaccioné exageradamente, pero os prometo que no lo podía evitar, y también os aseguro que fui yo la mayor sorprendida con mi reacción. Cuando a mediodía los vi marchar, me encontré llorando desconsoladamente en la puerta de nuestra casa...
Al entrar de nuevo, recogí todos sus juguetes instintivamente. Ver sus cosas por toda la casa me hacía sentirme peor. Era irracional, o no, no lo se, un sentimiento de abandono, o de separación impuesta, o ambas cosas, no lo se. Creo que debe ser parecido al síndrome de abstinencia, según cuentan; por suerte, nunca lo he experimentado, pero puedo imaginar que tener que enfrentarte de repente ante una vida sin ese algo que era tu todo, debe hacerse insoportable (aunque la duración de esa nueva vida sea tan solo de dos días). En todo momento supe que Teo estaría perfectamente, no podía ser de otra manera estando con su padre. Además, Juan es un padre estupendo y el más cariñoso. Mi madre, mi amiga Ana, me decían "no te preocupes, Teo estará bien". Pero no era esto lo que me preocupaba, o mejor dicho, lo que ocupaba mi corazón. No iba sobre él, iba sobre mi, sobre el hecho de que por primera vez tras más de un año sin separarnos para nada, no iba a poder besarlo, ni oler su pielecita blanquita y suave, porque estaba realmente lejos.
Tras pasar la tarde del viernes acurrucada en el sofá, el sábado me levanté con mejor ánimo y, aunque pasé un día genial junto a Ana haciendo cosas que hacía mucho que no hacíamos, echaba de menos a Teo cada segundo. Y el domingo mejor que el sábado, sobre todo con la alegría de saber que llegaban esa noche.
Cuando fui a buscarlos a la estación, encontré a Teo cambiado. Tenía cara de cansado, muy cansado, pero también noté algo distinto, como si se hubiera hecho mayor, estaba más serio y con la mirada un poco triste. Creí que eran imaginaciones mías provocadas por la abstinencia de esos dos días, pero lo cierto es que hoy es miércoles, y Teo sigue serio y bastante lloroso. Es un niño muy alegre, simpático, siempre riendo y sólo llora si tiene sueño. Es tan bueno y sociable que a veces no nos creemos la suerte que hemos tenido. Pero lo más llamativo desde su vuelta es que no quiere dormirse en su cunita y quedarse solo, a pesar de tener sueño. Solamente duerme (y lo hace realmente rápido y durante muuuchas horas) si estoy tumbada a su lado. Esto es lo que me ha hecho darme cuenta de que debe haber desarrollado el miedo a la separación de la madre o al abandono que, por lo que he leído, es bastante frecuente, y aparece en torno al año de edad.
Se que pasará, y pronto se sentirá de nuevo él mismo pero, si simplemente escribiendo estas líneas me he vuelto a poner triste recordando lo mal que lo pasé sin él, si siendo miércoles, yo no me he recuperado de la tristeza que sentí al verlo marchar y no estar con él... ¿cómo esperábamos que no le afectara, siendo tan pequeñín? ´-`
¿Alguna de las que sois madres sintió algo parecido la primera vez que se separó de su bebé? ¿Habéis pasado con vuestros hijos el miedo al abandono que dicen que es tan habitual? (Por cierto, hoy he leído en una web especializada que aparece en torno al año y puede durar hasta los seis!!!)
Foto de The Heart of Midwifery.
I was feeling low last weekend. Lately, I've not been feeling very well, I've been tired, even exhausted, and some days seemed endless. Since a while, I tried not to be affected by those no-so-good things are happening around me. This way I can be calm and show the best of my sincere smiles most of the time. That's why I don't read papers, don't watch the news on TV, don't listen to the radio. The picture shown by the media is dissapointing and I think it leads to nothing good to be aware of 'how bad everything is going!'. I don't think everything is bad, but some people are bad, and while they are feeding the others with anger and deception, the media helping, it's very difficult for things to get better. I do think we all have inside the ability to ge better and the strength to do it. So if we choose to look at the good things around as trees that keep being green, the sun that keeps shining and our sons and daugthers who keep growing and laughing at everything, it will be much easier for this everything to becme something really good. Teo makes this task very, very easy to me, I just look at him, or think about him, or write about him as I'm doing right now, and I can not help but smile. How little he asks, and how much he gives.
The task of being a mom 24/7 is an amazing adventure. As I have told on others posts, you go through many phases, learning and emotional swings, but the background, which is always there, is the huge love for your child, and it gives you strength to do whatever it takes. It is also undeniable that is an exhausting task, especially if you can not count on some help from your relatives, grandmothers, aunts or some friends to be there from time to time, or make possible you can go to the hairdresser or go out for dinner with your partner . We live far from our families, so there's no breaks. Well, there's no secret for my fatigue during these past days, as you can see. But the strength of a mom really is never-failing, and I've never stopped doing anything Teo needs, because if I stop, I would be the one who die of dissapointment.
On Friday, Juan had planned to leave the weekend off, 400 km from here, and run a half-marathon on Sunday. I'm used to be the two of us (Teo and me) for several days in a row, because work things there are times when he travels a lot, and just when Teo was born, he had to do it very often with a trip to China included, so I got this shock therapy 'Oh, he is leaving, I'll be by my own, the baby is so tiny ,and will I be able to do it myself? 'and lost my fear soon. However, as I said, last week I was really tired (maybe you noticed here on the blog, because it was what I had to delete from the list to slow down, and I did not posted what I wanted). So Juan asked me to take the baby with him, for me to sleep and recover a bit. At first, neither considered the idea, because the plan that Juan had for those two days looked pretty hard (several journeys by train, by car, sleeping in two different places both nights, etc). But finally, after a talk, we felt it was the right thing to do, besides being an opportunity for both of them to be alone more than a few hours, which until now has never happened.
Friday came soon. Since I got up early in the morning, I was feeling terribly bad. I had stomach pain, nausea, headache at times ... and some kind of inner anguish. I didn't allow me to think about Teo living and the fact we were going to be separated for the first time in a year, because if I thought about it, I got really sad. I'm pretty sure, those with no children will not understand what I'm talking about, and you may think I was overreacting, but I promise that I could not avoid, and I assure you that I was the most surprised by my reaction. When I saw them leaving at noon, I found myself weeping uncontrollably at the door of our house ...
Coming in again, instinctively picked up all his toys. Check his stuff around the house made me feel worse. It was irrational, or not, don't know, a sense of abandonment, or imposed separation, or both, really don't know. I think it must be like withdrawal syndrome, according to what they said. Luckily, I've never experienced, but I can imagine having to face suddenly with a life without that something that was your everything, it must be unbearable (although the duration of this new life is just two days). I knew all the time that Teo would be perfectly fine, could not be otherwise being with his father. Besides, Juan is a great father and the most loving. My mother and my friend Ana said 'Don't worry, Teo will be fine.' But that was not what I was worried about, or rather, what occupied my heart. It wasn't something about him, was about me, about the fact that for the first time after more than a year without separate at all, was not going to kiss him, or smell his pale and soft skin, because he was really far.
After spending Friday afternoon curled up on the couch, on Saturday I got up in better spirits, and although I spent a great day with Ana doing things that hadn't in a long time, I missed Teo every second. And Sunday was even better, especially because the joy of knowing that they arrived that evening.
When I went to pick the up at the station, I met Teo changed. Looked tired, very tired, but I also noticed something else, as if he had grown up, was more serious and looking a little sad. I thought I was imagining things caused by the withdrawal of these two days, but the fact is that today is Wednesday, and Teo is still serious and quite tearful. He's always very cheerful, friendly, always laughing and only crying when he is very very sleepy. It is so good and sociable sometimes we can not believe how lucky we are. But the most striking thing since his return is he can not rest on his crib alone, despite being sleepy. He only sleeps (and it does really fast and for soooo hours) if I'm lying next to him. This is what has made me realize that he must have developed this fear of separation from the mother or abandonment, from what I read, is fairly common, and appears when they are a year old.
I know this phase will go, and soon he will feel himself again, but if simply writing these lines I get sad remembering how badly I felt without him, if being Wednesday already, I have not recovered from the sadness I felt at seeing him go and not being with him ... How did we hope him to not be affected, being just a little baby?
Do any of those of you who are mothers felt something similar the first time separated from your baby? Have you lived with your children the fear of abandonment they say it is as usual? (By the way, today I read in a specialized web about this, and it said it appears around a year and can last up to six!)
Top photo from The Heart of Midwifery.
Se que pasará, y pronto se sentirá de nuevo él mismo pero, si simplemente escribiendo estas líneas me he vuelto a poner triste recordando lo mal que lo pasé sin él, si siendo miércoles, yo no me he recuperado de la tristeza que sentí al verlo marchar y no estar con él... ¿cómo esperábamos que no le afectara, siendo tan pequeñín? ´-`
¿Alguna de las que sois madres sintió algo parecido la primera vez que se separó de su bebé? ¿Habéis pasado con vuestros hijos el miedo al abandono que dicen que es tan habitual? (Por cierto, hoy he leído en una web especializada que aparece en torno al año y puede durar hasta los seis!!!)
Foto de The Heart of Midwifery.
I was feeling low last weekend. Lately, I've not been feeling very well, I've been tired, even exhausted, and some days seemed endless. Since a while, I tried not to be affected by those no-so-good things are happening around me. This way I can be calm and show the best of my sincere smiles most of the time. That's why I don't read papers, don't watch the news on TV, don't listen to the radio. The picture shown by the media is dissapointing and I think it leads to nothing good to be aware of 'how bad everything is going!'. I don't think everything is bad, but some people are bad, and while they are feeding the others with anger and deception, the media helping, it's very difficult for things to get better. I do think we all have inside the ability to ge better and the strength to do it. So if we choose to look at the good things around as trees that keep being green, the sun that keeps shining and our sons and daugthers who keep growing and laughing at everything, it will be much easier for this everything to becme something really good. Teo makes this task very, very easy to me, I just look at him, or think about him, or write about him as I'm doing right now, and I can not help but smile. How little he asks, and how much he gives.
The task of being a mom 24/7 is an amazing adventure. As I have told on others posts, you go through many phases, learning and emotional swings, but the background, which is always there, is the huge love for your child, and it gives you strength to do whatever it takes. It is also undeniable that is an exhausting task, especially if you can not count on some help from your relatives, grandmothers, aunts or some friends to be there from time to time, or make possible you can go to the hairdresser or go out for dinner with your partner . We live far from our families, so there's no breaks. Well, there's no secret for my fatigue during these past days, as you can see. But the strength of a mom really is never-failing, and I've never stopped doing anything Teo needs, because if I stop, I would be the one who die of dissapointment.
On Friday, Juan had planned to leave the weekend off, 400 km from here, and run a half-marathon on Sunday. I'm used to be the two of us (Teo and me) for several days in a row, because work things there are times when he travels a lot, and just when Teo was born, he had to do it very often with a trip to China included, so I got this shock therapy 'Oh, he is leaving, I'll be by my own, the baby is so tiny ,and will I be able to do it myself? 'and lost my fear soon. However, as I said, last week I was really tired (maybe you noticed here on the blog, because it was what I had to delete from the list to slow down, and I did not posted what I wanted). So Juan asked me to take the baby with him, for me to sleep and recover a bit. At first, neither considered the idea, because the plan that Juan had for those two days looked pretty hard (several journeys by train, by car, sleeping in two different places both nights, etc). But finally, after a talk, we felt it was the right thing to do, besides being an opportunity for both of them to be alone more than a few hours, which until now has never happened.
Friday came soon. Since I got up early in the morning, I was feeling terribly bad. I had stomach pain, nausea, headache at times ... and some kind of inner anguish. I didn't allow me to think about Teo living and the fact we were going to be separated for the first time in a year, because if I thought about it, I got really sad. I'm pretty sure, those with no children will not understand what I'm talking about, and you may think I was overreacting, but I promise that I could not avoid, and I assure you that I was the most surprised by my reaction. When I saw them leaving at noon, I found myself weeping uncontrollably at the door of our house ...
Coming in again, instinctively picked up all his toys. Check his stuff around the house made me feel worse. It was irrational, or not, don't know, a sense of abandonment, or imposed separation, or both, really don't know. I think it must be like withdrawal syndrome, according to what they said. Luckily, I've never experienced, but I can imagine having to face suddenly with a life without that something that was your everything, it must be unbearable (although the duration of this new life is just two days). I knew all the time that Teo would be perfectly fine, could not be otherwise being with his father. Besides, Juan is a great father and the most loving. My mother and my friend Ana said 'Don't worry, Teo will be fine.' But that was not what I was worried about, or rather, what occupied my heart. It wasn't something about him, was about me, about the fact that for the first time after more than a year without separate at all, was not going to kiss him, or smell his pale and soft skin, because he was really far.
After spending Friday afternoon curled up on the couch, on Saturday I got up in better spirits, and although I spent a great day with Ana doing things that hadn't in a long time, I missed Teo every second. And Sunday was even better, especially because the joy of knowing that they arrived that evening.
When I went to pick the up at the station, I met Teo changed. Looked tired, very tired, but I also noticed something else, as if he had grown up, was more serious and looking a little sad. I thought I was imagining things caused by the withdrawal of these two days, but the fact is that today is Wednesday, and Teo is still serious and quite tearful. He's always very cheerful, friendly, always laughing and only crying when he is very very sleepy. It is so good and sociable sometimes we can not believe how lucky we are. But the most striking thing since his return is he can not rest on his crib alone, despite being sleepy. He only sleeps (and it does really fast and for soooo hours) if I'm lying next to him. This is what has made me realize that he must have developed this fear of separation from the mother or abandonment, from what I read, is fairly common, and appears when they are a year old.
I know this phase will go, and soon he will feel himself again, but if simply writing these lines I get sad remembering how badly I felt without him, if being Wednesday already, I have not recovered from the sadness I felt at seeing him go and not being with him ... How did we hope him to not be affected, being just a little baby?
Do any of those of you who are mothers felt something similar the first time separated from your baby? Have you lived with your children the fear of abandonment they say it is as usual? (By the way, today I read in a specialized web about this, and it said it appears around a year and can last up to six!)
Top photo from The Heart of Midwifery.
Explicale que asi va la vida y que poco a poco se acostumbrara si o si! Explicale porque lo has dejado blablbla.
ResponderEliminarSeguro que ha notado que te sentias mal y encima te hace pagar el facto de que le has dejado 2 pequenos dias! O tal vez esta enfermo y le esta saliendo dientes, por eso esta cansado y llorono! No te comas demasiado la cabeza, le va a pasar, Y NO ES TU CULPA NI LA DE JUAN! Que vuelva a su cama, explicandole porque. La ultima vez que deje a Suzanne, cuando volvi, no queria venir conmigo, ni irse conmigo a la cama, nada conmigo, todo con sus abuelos. La he dejado tranquilla, jugaba con sus juegos, me reia, y al dia siguiente, no me dejaba ni un minuto. Era manera de decir "oye, me has dejado 10 dias!". Pues si, pero no hay otra manera. Y Suzanne sigue siendo feliz, sociable!
Pero por una primera vez, me parece todo lo normal, solo que no tienes que entrar en el juego de la culpabilidad! Besos a todos!
Gracias por tantos consejos buenos :)
EliminarYo no soy madre pero llevo 4 meses siendo tía de Valentina ( y de Teo pero por desgracia no convivo con él) y a pesar de ser la niña mas buena del mundo me manipula por completo! Sabe como hacer que la tenga en brazos horas, sabe como hacerme sentir culpable, es una adorable tirana!
ResponderEliminarAsí que por muy adorables que sean hay que ser fuerte y resistir y recordar que nosotras también tenemos vida propia y actividades que atender y que eso no quiere decir que los queramos menos, al contrario! Cuanto mas feliz sea su mami mas feliz será el niño/a y mas querido se sentirá! Así que fuerza y buen humor!
Llevas razón, pero qué duro!!!